L'Anse Creuse High School North
L'Anse Creuse High School North
Instrumental Music
Awards & Honors
L'Anse Creuse High School North Marching Crusaders stand proud for all the accomplishments and recognitions we have received over the the years. Hours upon hours of hard work pays off, here are some of our trophies and awards validating our dedication and sacrifice to our craft.
Results coming soon!
2024 Marching Crusaders Awards
For the 2024 season, the Marching Crusaders competed in the following competitions and achieved the following awards:
Trenton Scholastic Marching Band Invitational
First Place overall,
Troy Athens Marching Band Invitational
sg ​
MSBOA Marching Band Festival
Coming Soon!​
Chippewa Valley Marching Band Invitational
2023 Marching Crusaders Awards
For the 2023 season, the Marching Crusaders Competed in the following competitions and achieved the following awards:
Troy Athens Scholastic Marching Band Invitational:
Class AA Best Overall Music; Class AA Best Overall Auxiliary; Class AA Overall 3rd Place​
MSBOA Marching Band Festival:
Class AA First Division - A grades in 8 of 9 sub-categories!
Chippewa Valley Scholastic Marching Band Invitational:
Class AA First Place
Brandon-Ortonville Scholastic Marching Band Invitational:
Results Coming Soon!​
2023 Competition Pictures

In the fall of 2022 the Marching Crusaders competed in three different competitions. So far, we are proud to have collected 1st Place hardware in the 2022 Trenton Invitational, 3rd Place in the Troy Athens Invitational, and a 1st Division Rating at the MSBOA Marching Band Festival.

Trenton High School Invitational - September 24th, 2022
- 1st Place Class AA, Best Music Class AA, Best Marching Class AA, Best Auxiliary Class AA, Best Percussion Class AA
- 3rd Place Class AA
- 1st Division - Class AA
2021 Awards
2021 Awards
L'Anse Creuse High School North Marching Crusaders stand proud for all the accomplishments and recognitions we have received over the the years. Hours upon hours of hard work pays off, here are some of our trophies and awards validating our dedication and sacrifice to our craft.

2021 DeWitt Invitational 1st Place

2021 DeWitt Invitational Recognitions

2021 Chippewa Valley Invitational 1st Place

2021 Troy Athens Invitational 2nd Place
In the fall of 2021 the Marching Crusaders competed in three different competitions. We are proud to have collected 1st Place hardware in the 2021 DeWitt Invitational, and 2021 Chippewa Valley Invitational. Our first outing of the year brought home a strong 2nd Place finish at the Troy Athens Invitational. Not to mention our 1st Division recognition at MSBOA.
2021 DeWitt Invitational
1st Place overall
Best Color Guard Performance
Best Percussion Performance
Best Visual Performance
Best Drum Major
Best Musical Performance
2021 Chippewa Valley Invitational
1st Place Overall, Class AA
Best Percussion
Best Musical
Best Marching
2021 Troy Athens Invitational
2nd Place Overall, Class AA
Best Overall Auxiliary