L'Anse Creuse High School North
L'Anse Creuse High School North
Instrumental Music
2024-2025 LCN Band Boosters
Officers and Committee Chairs
President: Hope Comerford
Vice President: Angela Ressler
Secretary: Sharon Baker
Treasurer: Ken Grix
Band Booster Officers are nominated in the early spring and selected at the May Booster Meeting.
If you are interested in any of the above or below positions, please contact Mr. Griffith or the Band Boosters.
Pre/Mini Camp Food Lead
Sharon Baker
Band Camp Lead:
Carol Vardon
Hope Comerford
Angela Ressler
Band Camp Activity Lead:
Cheryl Duncan
Bottle Drive Lead:
Colleen Fudold
Bus Chaperone Lead:
Nicole Kesek
Competition Food Lead:
Sharon Baker
Snack Team Lead:
Sharon Baker
Props/Construction Lead
Mike Fudold
Sharon Baker
MSBOA Festival Leads
Hope Comerford
Carol Vardon
Craft Show Leads:
Hope Comerford
Carol Vardon
Angela Ressler
Pit Crew Chief:
Jeff Pasmanter
Uniforms Lead:
Carol Vardon
Fundraiser Lead:
Sharon Baker
Spaghetti Dinner Lead
Cheryl Duncan
Restaurant Fundraiser Lead:
Sharon Baker
Band Banquet Lead:
Cheryl Duncan
Raffle Basket Lead:
Colleen Fudold
JotForm/Data Lead:
Carol Vardon
Website Admin:
Scott Oranchak
*** If you are interested in ANY of these areas, we would love the additional help. Please contact Mr. Griffith or the Band Boosters.