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2023 Marching Band Away Camp


(updated 1/6/25 - 9:00am)


CONCERT BANDS - Below you will find some announcements and reminders:

  1. Solo & Ensemble Festival performance times have been released! See the links below for the Chamber times and the Solo/Ensemble times. If there is an issue with your performance time, see Mr. O as soon as possible. There are ways to make things work (usually) is we know early enough. Ensembles can expect to be pulled out during band class to work on S&E music once or twice per week for practice and help.

    • CHAMBER EVENTS (Saturday, January 18th at Rochester High School - CLICK HERE

      • SITE MAP - CLICK HERE for the warm-up and performance rooms for January 18th site ONLY​

    • SOLO AND ENSEMBLE EVENTS (Saturday, February 1st at Rochester High School) - CLICK HERE 

  2. What's next for LCN Bands?

    • Band Festival - All three concert bands (Wind, Symphony, and Freshman) will be attending MSBOA Band Festival in March. The calendar shows three possible dates. Exact date and time will be made available to us near the start of second semester. Students received music prior to break. Let the practice begin!

    • Solo & Ensemble Festival - for those students that signed up for solo & ensemble festival, make sure you continue to prepare your music over break to the best of your ability. Performance times should be available shortly after we return to school in January.​

  3. BAND App!!! - The LCN Concert Band BAND App groups have been created and are running as of the week of Halloween! We would like all band students to join the student group, and all LCN band parents to join the parent group. These groups will be where much of the information for upcoming events are distributed. Band staff, including our chamber instructors, will be included. Parents will be allowed to ask and answer questions, however, students will only be allowed to message staff, not each other. Below you will find links to both groups. We ask everyone to use your full name when signing up. No nicknames please:).

  4. Scale Assessments - The primary first semester assessment this fall will be recording scales into Schoology. Student should have recorded, into Schoology, all scales 1 - 6. The final scale(s) will be due Wednesday, January 8th.

  5. Winterguard - The 2024-2025 LCN Winterguard season has begun. All communication will come from the Winterguard staff.

  6. Oakland University Pep Band - Seniors! If you are interested in playing in a pep band in college and would like to see what it's like, Oakland Universities Grizz Band is offering an opportunity to attend a game and even play! CLICK HERE to complete the questionnaire. Games are in January, and February (and 3/1). Be sure to check your calendar for conflicts:).

  7. Minor calendar change - The wind symphony band-o-rama performance has been move to Monday, January 27th. This event is run completely at school (it's the LCN with MSN & MSE bands performing for the district's north end 5th graders) and only involves wind symphony students. No other band students or families are effected.


Marching Crusaders 

  • The 2024 Marching Crusaders season has officially ended. Thank you to all students, parents, and staff for another great season. ​

  • Keep an eye out for the 2025 Marching Crusaders calendar drop in March!

Spirit Wear! - Looking to purchase Marching Crusaders spirit wear? CLICK HERE This site will open and close intermittently. Keep an eye on the boosters Facebook page for alerts!

ALUMNI BAND - Thanks to all the alumni that came out and played with the band on Friday! It was great seeing you all again and we hope to see you next year (or sooner)!

TRAVEL The 2025 NYC trip registration has begun! In the travel section below (beneath marching band and band boosters), you will find information regarding costs, registration, and itinerary. If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to Mr. Griffith.

BAND BOOSTERSUpcoming booster events

  • General Band Booster Membership Meeting - Thursday, November 14th. 7:00pm in the LCN Band Room


LCN Clarinet Quintet performs on Michigan School Band and Orchestra Association's 2024 Spring Honors Concert - On Saturday, May 7th of 2024, a Clarinet Quintet made up of Bryce Szyska (so), Karson Schefka (sr), Breanna Nutt (sr), Julie Payne (jr) and Natalie Kyser, performed on the MSBOA Honors Showcase in Kalamazoo. A very high honor that was well earned by this hard working group of LCN band students. To view the performance CLICK HERE to for the YouTube recording. The entire concert was filled with many of Michigan's best High School instrumental music students. It is recommended you watch each group. However, if you would just like to watch the LCN performance, you will find it at the 37th minute. Enjoy!​​​​


UPDATE 11/13/24


  • Mt. Clemens Santa Parade - Saturday, November 23rd. More details Coming soon
    • CALL TIME - 9:00am - THIS IS EARLIER THAN USUAL. LCN is closer to the front of the parade this year. Therefore our call time has been moved up to 9am.
    • CALL LOCATION - Mt. Clemens High School parking lot. Look for the LCN trailer. CLICK HERE for google map location of the parking lot off Cass.
    • WHAT TO WEAR - The band will be wearing the marching uniforms in the parade. What to wear underneath the uniform will be discussed in class/on the band app. Please be aware of the weather and the fitting of the uniform. 
    • STUDENT PICK-UP - The parking lot at the Macomb County Probation building (down the street from Buffalo Wild Wings). CLICK HERE for a google map location.
    • Students - All Marching Crusaders students need to register for the student band app group. CLICK HERE to view the instructions and QR code. Be sure to follow the instructions. If you use a nickname, you will not be admitted.
    • Parents
      • Band App - there will be a marching season band app for parents. CLICK HERE to view instructions and the QR code to sign up.​
      • Facebook Group - The LCN Band Boosters post many announcements and reminders, as well as answer questions via the L'Anse Creuse High School North Bands Facebook page
  • The marching season calendar has been published. See the DOCUMENTS below.
  • Communications - The director and boosters primarily use Schoology, Facebook, and the BAND App to release information to students and parents. Each season, a new group will be created in the BAND app. There will be separate groups for students and parents. The QR codes to sign-Up for the BAND app will be made available at Registration Night and on the Marching Band page of the website following registration. Please be sure to use your full name when registering.
  • Payments - Links to marching season payments can be found on the Payments page. Or CLICK HERE!
  • Looking for band MERCH?!? CLICK HERE. This site will open and close intermittently. Keep an eye on the boosters Facebook page for alerts!
  • DRUM MAJORS - Congratulations to the 2024 Marching Crusaders Drum Majors Natalie Kyser and Bryce Szyska
  • Field Commander - Congratulations to the 2024 Marching Crusaders Field Commander Lillie Grunewald​​
  • Color Guard Announcements - Summer Sectionals have been posted in the calendar. 
  • Drumline and Front Ensemble Announcements - Summer Sectionals have been posted in the calendar.


Links to volunteer for Marching Band Events can be found on the Volunteers page or via the Facebook page and BAND app. Please help!



  • Drumline Information - CLICK HERE to see Drum Line and Front Ensemble Information Now available
  • New Marcher parent meeting PowerPoint - CLICK HERE (Posted after New Marcher Orientation)
  • 2024 Marching Crusaders Calendar - CLICK HERE - if you see an error, please alert Mr. Oranchak ASAP!
  • 2024 Marching Crusaders Information Packet - CLICK HERE
  • To email the Director CLICK HERE


For information about volunteering, be sure to check out the L'Anse Creuse High School North Bands Facebook page.

See below for the 2024-2025 Band Booster Meeting Schedule:





For information on the next Band Booster meeting, see the Band Booster page.